D I E C A S T M A I N T E N A N C E CINTRONICS DEVELOPMENT CO. INSTALLATION: To install: select drive a: or b: insert disk in either drive and type one of these commands: installa or installb The Die Cast software is a new and exciting package for any Shop to use. With its ease of use and unlimited size it is a very practical and worthwhile tool for the shop. Die CAST was developed for the Die Shop industry by die cast personnel for the die cast professional. The following is a brief description of Die Cast detail numbers. The software is very self explanatory and Cintronics feels that anyone using this product will be very professional within minutes. INSTRUCTIONS: *The opening screen is a detailed instruction on how to purchase Die Cast and retain the rights to updates. Cintronics welcomes all types of ideas and will also custom make the program to your individual needs. 1. ENTER NEW DIE & MANUFACTURER: This is your address database. All manufacturer's of dies will be in this database. After typing in the name of the manufacturer you will be asked several questions about them. Answer all of the questions to the best of your ability (There is a edit screen later if a mistake is made). After all the questions have been answered a new screen will appear with the aforementioned information and a few additional questions about the die you are purchasing. As stated before if a mistake is made the correction can be made in a later screen. If the same manufacturer is used to purchase a second die, the personal information about this vendor will automatically appear. In fact, you only have to type in the first couple of letters to get the manufacturer you require on the screen. If the wrong one appears (for example: Mars Tooling / Martin Tooling) type in a few additional letters to bring up the right one. 2. VIEW/EDIT EXISTING DIE AND MANUFACTURER: You can view and/or edit a existing die and manufacturer from this screen. All the information from the prior screen can be edited. If the information is correct just hit the PgDn key to bypass. 3. DELETE A EXISTING DIE: If a Die is no longer needed and/or retired it can simply be removed by typing in the number. If deletion is truly what you want to do, then follow the instructions to delete. 4. PRINT COMPLETE DIE FILE: This section provides a way to create a hardcopy of your die investments. A list of die names, date purchased, manufacturer, address, phone and fax is printed out on your printer or choose to go to the screen and just view the dies. Either way will give the same information. 5. SET UP MAINTENANCE INTERVALS FOR DIES: This is the periodic maintenance interval screen. First, the screen will ask for a periodic to perform and then a count interval at which to perform this periodic. Add as many periodics as you wish. A hardcopy can be printed out if required. The periodics will then be matched with as many different dies as you require. Maintenance intervals for dies should be set up prior to inputting counts in order to stabilize the count and start from zero. Periodics can be recalled and edited to update or to add new dies. 6. DIE PRODUCTION COUNTS: Production intervals are input here. Enter the die number (description is given automatically) and then enter the date and amount of production on that date. The system will add the new count to the previous total to give a complete history of this dies production. A print out is available if required. 7. REPORTS FOR DIE PM (Periodic Maintenance): Type in the PM interval you need to review. All dies that are needing this PM work will be listed. A work order can be generated for each of the periodics and dies if need be. The workorder lists the date, workorder number, die number, production count, work needed and requested by, work completed and by whom, and date completed. If a PM interval is requested and no die is due the system will return to the opening screen. Die's due for report will continue to show until a Die Repair Log is filled out and completed. 8. DIE REPAIR LOG: The repair log is the input screen for the workorder system. Type in the die and the production count will appear. Press the enter key and the input screen appears. Fill in all the information for the die. You will then be asked if a report is needed. This report lists every item repaired or replaced at this production count. A hard copy should be generated at this point in that it gives a nice accounting of work completed to this die. 9. DIE REPAIR HISTORY REPORT: Enter the die number and a interval of time (in this case between two dates). The history report will give you all of the periodics and/or maintenance repairs on this die. REGISTRATION: If you would like to register with us to get all of the latest updates send a $49.00 check or money order to Cintronics Development. Please keep in mind that we welcome all ideas on enhancing this software package to suit your individual needs. Thank you for trying Die Cast and feel free to use and distribute your copy to your friends or other businesses. We also have other speciality software available for tracking preventative maintenance, work orders, manhours and part inventory control on any machinery. Information available upon your request.